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The FREAKS Editorial Page-Where we share our thoughts and ideas about the nature and being of FREAKS
These are just random thoughts, pulled from my sub-conscious. Kicking and screaming, I might add. I'd like to talk about romantic comedies-those sentimental, ridiculous, warped romance novel movies, which we women continue to subscribe to ,as well as drag our boyfriends to against their will. Have you noticed how bad they are lately? I'm not saying they were wonderful to begin with-most of them are sentimental dreck, with two mis-matched, no chemistry actors making sheep's eyes at each other. Somehow or other they live happily ever after, with 2.5 kids and a dog. Very Disney-esque. Exscuse me while I hurl. But the ones that have been released of late are scraping the bottom of the cinema barrel. The Wedding Planner, for example. O.k., so Jennifer Lopez can't act, and that's one strike against her. Did you see the Cell? That movie had potential, if not for Jennifer's lackadaisical posturing. But two people who were more mis-matched than Lopez and good 'ol boy Matthew MacConnegehy(how do you spell his last name?)I can't imagine. Worse, the movie's ending is ridiculous, and the relationship between the two characters is barely developed. How can they be in love when they barely know each other?Geh. I recently sat through Someone Like You, the Ashley Judd/Hugh Jackman so-called romantic comedy. Could anybody be more typecast? He's a womanizer(but he has a heart of gold, by god. And he's been hurt by an old girlfriend, so he has a REASON to be the way he is)and she's been hurt because she made the mistake of dating Greg Kinnear(I could have told her not to date anyone with hair that laquered looking). He threw her over, and she moves in with Jackman. I've seen more chemistry in a slime mold experiment. And again, the characters simply don't spend enough time together to get to know one another(I've seen arranged marriages where the couple knew each other longer). At the end, you simply don't CARE that they're finding true love. You're just grateful that she's stopped spouting off about cows(If you haven't seen it, don't ask). I have a low tolerance for romantic comedies, anyway, but this trash is stretching my patience. And how about that David Duchovny/Minnie Driver piece of crap about a woman who dates the man who's dead wife supplied the heart for her heart transplant? I'll admit Duchovny's so wooden anyway, it's hard for him to find chemistry with anyone. But the artificial separation-caused by her discovering who his wife was and telling him-was stupid and annoying. Who's writing these scripts? Dannielle Steele? Or maybe that computer that can be programmed to churn out Danielle Steele type manuscripts? You can only wonder. As a woman, let me say that I am ashamed that we continue to watch this garbage. Life is never like these movies-thank god. Treacly romance and ridiculous, contrived situations are not my cup of tea. I'm going to swear off these movies altogether. I just can't stomach them, and I think my I.Q. drops ten points every time I turn one on.

The Other Half-Where my counterpart speaks out about subjects that interest her.
While I like most all of the same movies as my (as Jay would put it) hetero lifemate, there are a few of my favorites that she absolutely despises:) Like the Piano, Dark Crystal, Waterworld(don't ask -I'm not sure what the attraction is myself; I normally cannot stand Kevin Costner and this movie is no exception, its a horrible movie. I can only assume theres some past life connection) and the Mists of Avalon. Then of course there are the ones she likes 'ok' but would prefer I watch by myself most of the time - Les Miserables, Moll flanders, Darkside Blues, and a few others. I am fascinated by foriegn films which I only share with her when I'm sure she'll like them - Shanghai Triad, Red Firecracker-Green Firecracker being two of the three I've dared to share. I love character driven plots with more emotion than action although I prefer an equal mix of both. We both also adore indy films. I suppose all this makes me either very deep or very boring, maybe both. But if, like me, you enjoy alot of movies that nobody else does, don't worry. My partner is very patient and they will appear on the freaks pages when I find the ones I think worth sharing. If you have any suggestions for off the wall movies you'd think I'd like feel free to send them my way.


The FREAKS speak out-because they can't keep their mouths shut